Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response (SVPR) Committee

The College of the Rockies (College) Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response (SVPR) Committee is committed to increasing awareness and prevention of sexualized violence through education initiatives, and work to ensure appropriate response programs are available to support those who experience sexualized violence. The Committee will at all times use a trauma informed approach to support a person who has experienced sexualized violence.


View Committee Members

Director, Student EngagementCori Andrichuk
Accessibility Services Coordinator – TermMeghan Reiser
Manager, Human ResourcesMarianne Kneller
Counselling and Wellness CounsellorLiz Hamilton
Student Representative #1Harnoor Panesar – 2024-2025 term
Student Representative #2Courtney Wheeldon – 2024-2025 term
Instructional Faculty Member (elected)Avery Hulbert
Peer Mentor Coordinator / Student NavigatorKristyann Diotte

Policies and Forms

For Students:

For Employees: