What is the Empowerment and Engagement Working Group (EEWG)?

A voluntary student and staff working group (or groups) aimed at supporting awareness and activities with a EDIIB focus. The Working Group seeks to empower the voices and celebrate the contributions of equity-deserving community members. Specifically, the EEWG is able to provide some funding to EDIIB projects or events, including awareness campaigns for the campus community on a variety of EDIIB topics. ​This group reports to the Executive Director, Human Resources.

Terms of Reference link to come

Responsibilities ​

  • Annual call for membership for the group
  • Regularly liaise with other stakeholders (Student Association, Student Groups, Regional Campuses, EDI community leaders) on subjects of mutual interest and concern
  • Identify opportunities for fostering staff and student affinity groups
  • Identify education opportunities for equity and inclusion
  • Identify opportunities for funding empowering and engagement projects and events focused on EDIIB
  • Facilitate relationships with appropriate stakeholders
  • Be aware of days of recognition and maintain an annual calendar
  • Increase our own knowledge of EDIIB

Membership Information

Membership information to come.