About the Committee
Reports to: VPAC
Meetings: Monthly September through May, usually the fourth Tuesday of each month at 3:00 pm.
Activities: Sustainability on campus, including recycling and composting; educational activities and events on campus regarding sustainability; project generation; campus clean up; Earth Day activities.
Student participation: Student representative position on committee and the annual hiring of a Sustainability Student Assistant through Student Opportunities funding.
What We’re Working On
Living Lab Project
College of the Rockies became part of a national research program aiming to encourage post-secondary institutions to become leaders for climate action through innovation.
Learn how the COTR Sustainability Committee is contributing to this team research effort.
Find out more about the Living Lab project
Current Representatives
Position | Representative |
Faculty, Chair | Paul Tiege |
Faculty | Greg McCallum |
CUPE | Emma Inman |
CUPE | Jennifer Inglis |
Management | Susan Beck |
Facilities | Allan Knibbs |
Campus Life | Skylar Hennigar |
Regional | Vacant |
Regional | Vacant |
Student Representative | Ashton Floyd |
Student Representative | Hasitha Muhandiram |
Student Assistant, Ex-officio | Vacant |
Terms of Reference

Meeting Minutes